I'm not sure why or exactly when I started thinking about my Grandmother's silver Christmas tree, but I have been obsessing about the tree for sometime now. Is it still in the house somewhere? When was the last time she used it? In Indianapolis? In Marion? In Greentown? Just can't remember and my sister doesn't remember either. (By the way, she was of no help in trying to talk me out of getting a silver tree). We haven't gotten through everything at the house, but is it even there? Now, my grandmother would have gotten rid of something she no longer wanted. Just don't know. Hmmm! Maybe I need to start looking for one. It would just be so cool. Oh, I would still have to have a real Christmas tree. Maybe I could set the silver tree up in my pretty lavender guest room - that room faces the street and wouldn't that be so pretty and festive. Ok, searched for one in eCrater - no vintage silver aluminum trees. Well, let's just check eBay and see how much they run. Oh, quite a few and wouldn't you know it - lots of people are searching for vintage silver aluminum Christmas trees. OK, we'll just put a few on my watch list and see how it goes. I'll need one of those rotating color lights, too.

But, I really need to get back to cleaning up my living room and rearranging the furniture back to pre-Christmas. Tomorrow is football! So, I really need to get it done. Can't put it off until tomorrow ......... or can I?
We had one of those - I loved laying under the tree at night with only the color wheel on. Saw one of those wheels at a flea market about 5 years ago - regreted not bringing it home ever since :( Hope you find your tree!