There are quite a few lines in anchorwhite using decals - Forget-Me-Not, Meadow Green, Primrose, Wheat, Blue Heaven, Chanticleer or Country Kitchen and Candleglow (sometimes shown as Candle Glow). Not all patterns have all of the same pieces though. One good thing is that most lids are interchangeable.
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I have quite a few pieces of the Candle Glow for sale on eBay. I like this pattern with the blue and gold candles with flame decals along the side of the dish. This pattern also includes a coffee mug, cereal bowl and custard bowl that you could use as a dessert or berry bowl.
All of the Candle Glow ovenware that I had is no longer available, but here is a slideshow of some pieces.
I do have some other pieces of Anchor Hocking available at both my eBay & eCrater stores.
CAROLINABLUELADY Vintage Collectibles on eBay
CAROLINABLUELADY Vintage Collectibles on eCrater
CAROLINABLUELADY Vintage Collectibles on eBay
CAROLINABLUELADY Vintage Collectibles on eCrater
#AnchorHocking #FireKing #anchorwhite #CandleGlow #ovenware #bakeware #vintage #carolinabluelady